Advisor and Consultant in the Defense sector and in Products Controlled by the ArmyWith ten years of experience in the Defense sector, I am grateful and honored to provide services to society in a segment that protects and serves the entire Brazilian nation, which represents 4.8% of the Gross Domestic Product-GDP, and is responsible for 3 million jobs, both direct and indirect.
I had the satisfaction of serving the Brazilian Army for 8 years, where I had rich experiences, mainly as Head of the Foreign Trade portfolio.
Due to the extensive networking built throughout my professional career, my company is called Vision Connection, with extensive knowledge of the Defense Products and Controlled Products chain, our mission is to bring the necessary solutions to companies that are entering the market and the already consolidated.
I had the satisfaction of serving the Brazilian Army for eight years, I worked at the largest entity in the Defense sector, the Brazilian Association of Defense and Security Material Industries - ABIMDE. In addition to being a consultant for large importers and national manufacturers. Through this, and many other activities, I have accumulated rich experiences in the Defense and Army Controlled Products sector.
Get to know our work and history.Courses in the sector of defense and security and controlled products
☉︎ International Course on Crisis Analysis:
CACI of the Superior School of Defense - ESD.
☉︎ Defense Resource Management Course:
CGERD of the Higher School of War - ESG;
☉︎ Training on the Defense Economy:
Defense Ministry - MD
☉︎ Extension Course in National Defense (ECND):
Superior School of Defense - ESD, in partnership with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
☉︎ ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17065:
Conformity assessment – Requirements for Certification Body for Products, Processes and Services.
☉︎ ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:
General requirements for competence of testing and calibration laboratories.
☉︎ ABNT NBR ISO 9001:
Quality Management Systems – Requirements.
☉︎ ABNT NBR ISO 19011:
Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems.
☉︎ Processes Management:
Trompowsky Foundation - Brazilian Army.
Graduation: Administrator with specialization in Foreign Trade and Logistics and Supply Chain.
Call (11) 97858-8686 or send an email to mirianpereira@mirianpereira.comOUR ADDRESS
Schedule a visit and let's talkPaulista Avenue, 302, CONJ 10. Bela Vista neighborhood, São Paulo - Brazil. Zip code: 01.310-000.